herpes on shoulder and extreme itching
(too old to reply)
2004-07-22 19:32:23 UTC
Hi guys,

It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had what
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a genital
ob in over 4 yrs)

In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just the
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10 days.
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.

OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!

Anyone have this problem?

Pain Devine
2004-07-22 20:37:35 UTC
He told you what?!?!?

Well, first off... I had shingles when I was a kid. It formed little chicken
pox like bumps around my waist in a line. They usually only appear on 1 half
of the body. In my case it was my left side. The bumps hurt and I had flue
like symptoms. It went away after a month or so...

Herpes on your sholder? Did he do a swab test? That shure as hell sounds a
lot more like acne than herpes. I have acne on my shoulders and it's
painfull sometimes. Ya know how big zits can hurt...
2004-07-24 11:29:47 UTC
Zits. No this was not acne. I know the difference between a pimple and an

I actually went to a dermatologist and the Dr did culture the site, which
came back positive for herpes simplex (no mention of type). But I suspect
that it is type 1.

Dr did explain that herpes zoster or shingles which is caused by the chicken
pox virus ( had chicken pox when I was 10) could lay dormant for many years,
but that once you had a shingles ob, there would be no other recurrance,
unlike simplex which can come back anytime.

But this case was isolated to the same spot. I did contact the dr again
and she said that it is possible that the itch is post herpetic neuralgia.
She suggested using the zovirax cream, but not to take the valtrex, even for
suppression. Benedryl seems to help.

Post by Pain Devine
He told you what?!?!?
Well, first off... I had shingles when I was a kid. It formed little chicken
pox like bumps around my waist in a line. They usually only appear on 1 half
of the body. In my case it was my left side. The bumps hurt and I had flue
like symptoms. It went away after a month or so...
Herpes on your sholder? Did he do a swab test? That shure as hell sounds a
lot more like acne than herpes. I have acne on my shoulders and it's
painfull sometimes. Ya know how big zits can hurt...
Pain Devine
2004-07-25 04:09:20 UTC
The Dr told me that I could get more shingles outbreaks... but they were not
likely. He said that it was like mono... IF I had a second outbreak, it
would be worse than the first... but I probably wouldn't get one at all.
2004-07-25 10:31:02 UTC
The pictures that I have seen of shingles and I'm sure they are worst case
scenarios, where really bad where it covered the entire side of a body and
was not contained to one spot. That is how the dr made his determination
that my case was simplex. Also this ob was exactly the same as the one I
had 2 yrs ago.

Post by Pain Devine
The Dr told me that I could get more shingles outbreaks... but they were not
likely. He said that it was like mono... IF I had a second outbreak, it
would be worse than the first... but I probably wouldn't get one at all.
2004-07-25 13:20:12 UTC
My dad had shingles only on the top of his head.

Post by evelyn
The pictures that I have seen of shingles and I'm sure they are worst case
scenarios, where really bad where it covered the entire side of a body and
was not contained to one spot. That is how the dr made his determination
that my case was simplex. Also this ob was exactly the same as the one I
had 2 yrs ago.
Post by Pain Devine
The Dr told me that I could get more shingles outbreaks... but they were
Post by Pain Devine
likely. He said that it was like mono... IF I had a second outbreak, it
would be worse than the first... but I probably wouldn't get one at all.
Pain Devine
2004-07-25 23:23:17 UTC
When I had it, it was a string of pimple sized bumps around my waste. They
were all lined up like a belt and were only on my left side. The doctor said
that it only infects 1 side of your body. They didn't get a "Head" like a
pimple, it just stayed read and kind of hurt similar to a pimple. But that
was at least 20 years ago. The doctor said it was rare to get as a child...
guess I'm just "lucky"
2004-07-22 21:17:12 UTC
Hi Ev,

Good to see you again! Though...not because you're having problems, of

Sounds like herpes gladiatoraloislisiethnielsntie whatever that name is.
:) How wonderful for you.

Did the doc say whether it was simplex 1 or 2? I would double check those
test results just to make sure.

It just sounds to me as if that nerve is the "weak Link" all of a sudden.
Are you going through any new stressors? Diet change? Etc?

Take care,
Post by ev
Hi guys,
It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had what
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a genital
ob in over 4 yrs)
In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just the
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10 days.
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.
OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!
Anyone have this problem?
2004-07-24 11:44:54 UTC
Hi ar

Herpes Gladiatorum - ah yes, that must be it. All that fun wrestling that
I do. Or is it that Hawaiian disease "lakanukii"

Well it is definitely simplex, but they did not give it a type. Since it is
on my shoulder, I would guess that it's type 1, although I know I have type
2 also.

Ah stress. Major stress. And that's the funny part. I must have wished it
on myself. About 4 months ago, I thought that it was amazing that with all
the stress I was going through, that I didn't have an ob. oh well.

Post by Grant
Hi Ev,
Good to see you again! Though...not because you're having problems, of
Sounds like herpes gladiatoraloislisiethnielsntie whatever that name is.
:) How wonderful for you.
Did the doc say whether it was simplex 1 or 2? I would double check those
test results just to make sure.
It just sounds to me as if that nerve is the "weak Link" all of a sudden.
Are you going through any new stressors? Diet change? Etc?
Take care,
Post by ev
Hi guys,
It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had
Post by ev
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a
Post by ev
ob in over 4 yrs)
In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just
Post by ev
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10
Post by ev
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.
OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!
Anyone have this problem?
2004-07-24 15:21:41 UTC
Post by evelyn
Ah stress. Major stress. And that's the funny part. I must have wished it
on myself. About 4 months ago, I thought that it was amazing that with all
the stress I was going through, that I didn't have an ob. oh well.
That's usually how mine happen. :) As soon as I comment that I haven't had
one in awhile....

2004-07-22 21:02:46 UTC
Post by ev
Hi guys,
It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had what
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a genital
ob in over 4 yrs)
In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just the
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10 days.
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.
OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!
Anyone have this problem?

Don't scratch it!

And stay out of the sun. You know that's bad for you.

Bad. Bad.

Nice to see you again, Evie.

2004-07-24 11:30:39 UTC
Hi Mikey!!!

Yes!! the sun dun did me in. Came home of Florida looking like a lobster.
I suspect that the second ob within the 2 weeks of the first definitely was
from the sun.

I just wish the itch-owies would go away.

Post by M.L.S.
Post by ev
Hi guys,
It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had what
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a genital
ob in over 4 yrs)
In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just the
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10 days.
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.
OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!
Anyone have this problem?
Don't scratch it!
And stay out of the sun. You know that's bad for you.
Bad. Bad.
Nice to see you again, Evie.
2004-07-24 00:34:16 UTC
Post by ev
Hi guys,
It's been about 2 yrs since I posted to the group. That was when I had what
I thought was shingles on the back of my shoulder. (I haven't had a genital
ob in over 4 yrs)
In the beginning of June, I got new ob on my shoulder, same place. Just the
size of a quarter. Went to dr and was told it's not shingles, but
definitely herpes (shingles doesn't make a comeback and also presents
differently than what I had). I was on 3000mg valtrex per day for 10 days.
The ob went away, but new ob after a wk (around june 30). Back to the dr
and a culture was taken - herpes simplex positive. Started taking valtrex
again - this time 2000 mg for 7 days.
OB is gone - but for the past 2 weeks I have terrible itching on the
shoulder not where the ob was located. There is nothing on the site - no
bumps, no ob. Just the itch and it drives me crazy!!
Anyone have this problem?
First I've heard of it in that location.

I'd suggest ice it down for about 20 minutes. That gives me relief to
stop the itching cycle.

However that doesn't word for poison ivy rash or itching which is far
worse itching on me than any herpes O B. My last poison ivy contact
resulted in kind of cortisone inject from the MD and 4 weeks of
healing. And great scars on my arm worse than the Sweets Syndrome

Ice/cold packs works great for itching.

2017-12-25 11:40:49 UTC
I am from Texas, I want to tell the world how I got cured from herpes simplex virus using the Dr Ekpiku herbal drug. Naturally, I didn't believe that herpes is curable Until I came in contact with this man, he proved to me that herpes is curable and after using His herbal drug, i became cured!! This is indeed a surprise to me and I am happy for the wonderful work. For contact, here is His email: ***@gmail.com or text/call me +16506538578 for more infor. Thanks and God bless you all.
2018-02-14 01:51:52 UTC
I have same thing. Dermatologist gave me otc lotion (Walgreens) called “Sarna “. I use it even during the night. It really helps. I still can’t believe I have cold sores on my shoulder. I know my evil stepmother gave it to me. Hate hate. Susan